Regular Community Meeting Week 50
Hi all, We will have Regular Community Meeting today at at 14:30 UTC. There will be a second meeting on Thursday at 19:00 UTC. We can continue with the topic and look at were to add the recommended videos sent on the mailing list from week 49. View the meeting notes at The meetings will take place on v/r Doug
Hi all, Below are the notes from yesterday's meeting. We will start with 1. Installing openSUS below in Thursday's meeting. However, we will first go over the topic listed in today's release engineering notes, which I will send out shortly: Leap Micro discussion Further discussion on tomorrows Community meeting Thu 16th Dec / 8pm CEST Have a great day. v/r Doug ## Participants: ddemaio, Knurpht, Emily, Roger, Zinn ## Topics Discuss the below recommendations and where to put them. * Project can be changed to markdown and added to gitlab. * Anyone who wants to volunteer to do this is welcome. Would need namespace Finalize - Benefits of open-source-software - The following were added to the advanced portion of 0. Benefits of open-source-software lesson plan [0] [1] [2] [3] Plan for next meeting is to go over 1. Installing openSUSE. Keep the list of lessons. * 0. Benefits of open-source-software - * 1. Installing openSUSE * 2. Basic use / Advanced (show with tools) * 3. LibreOffice (office suite) * 4. Imagining (Simon) * 5. Setting up a printer, scan * 6. Setup wifi * 7. How to install software * 8. Browers (addons/extentions) * 9. Gaming (gcompris) * 10. Using the terminal * 11. Graphic design (Simon), animation * 12. Video editing * 13. Programming Tools * 14. How to report a software bug * 15. Get started with openSUSE on a Raspberry Pi * 16. Have a final project (find a way to contribute to open source)
Hi all, Below are the notes from yesterday's meeting 2. We had a very spirited and fruitful discussion about an initial offering called Leap Micro. You can read the general feedback in the notes below and to gain some background of this proposed distribution, please read the previous discussion etherpad listing to gain more context. I want to thank Lubos for presenting the Leap Micro proposal and thank the many people who attended the meeting. Don't forget to drop by the bar this weekend for the first openSUSE BAR anniversary! - Have a great day. v/r Doug ## Presenter: Lubos ## Participants: Neal, Lubos, Onuralp, Knurpht, Emily, Simon, JoDo4222, m4u, ddemaio, bitshady ## Topics ### Leap Micro 5.2 Sharing of plans and how it fits our strategy Previous discussion Feedback: Generally positive Neal mentioned problems with transactional-update. It's a bit unintuitive and difficult to leverage in automation for day 2 operations, which was one of the big drivers for him to develop the transactional-update plugin for microdnf. Otherwise, he's very excited about this. Neal would love to see SUSE bring automotive partners into openSUSE to work on top of Leap Micro to support SLE Micro stuff commercially. He particularly likes the six month cadence for new point releases and would love to see that for SLE/Leap proper, as he's benefited from this with RHEL and thinks it'd be great for SLE too. openSUSE Leap Micro 6 month release cycle could be also useful into normal openSUSE Leap and can be introduce into it. This idea can unify, other variants and we can also share the workload and have faster newer packages and fix many other issues, also have newer packages and give us package fixes sooner. This is also beneficial for normal desktop users as well as developers. Not just server people but others as well. Use Case: Scientific / CUDA - Large data lake (AI/ML) and HPC stuff tends to have server farms that need to validated combinations of software and hardware. It's common to hear people doing this with RHEL but if SLE supports NVIDIA CUDA through the proprietary driver with its kernel, then it would be useful to prepare things using SLE/Leap Micro for easily supporting scientific data analysis. Also Leap Micro can have cuda enabled (compiled packages for example opencv with cuda) for better performance and image processing. It would also be good to figure out the AMD side, where support for ROCm/HIP/GPUOpen/etc. in distributions is uncommon despite it being open source. Could we have specialized image for AMDGPU based AI/ML? Seems like there is nothing around Lubos briefed topic about Leap Micro 5.2 ### Celebrate the first openSUSE BAR anniversary! Dec. 18 starting 16:00 UTC at
participants (1)