oSVC21 Video Team Meeting Minutes April 30
HI all, I want to give you an update from the video meeting we had this past Friday. We will also have a planning meeting for the conference tomorrow (like every Tuesday) at 18:00 UTC in https://meet.opensuse.org/bar v/r Doug Below are the keypoints. April 30 Video Team Meeting Next Meeting: Friday, May 7 at 18:00 UTC Participants: ddemaio, IvoErMejo, danimo, Marco, Gertjan Control center will be with a video team in Nuremberg: Marco, ddemaio #Structure * The preferred format is to have videos recorded and sent to a cloud service so the video team can play them * All live talks need to be done after a break * Live speakers will meet in a back end Jisti room. o There will be backup Jisit rooms o Links will be sent to the speakers * The Jisti rooms will be streamed to the front end - https://opensuse.venueless.events/ <https://opensuse.venueless.events/> #Speaker Recordings * Recording can be done in OBS or other tools. If someone is good with OBS (broadcast) and wants to make a quick tutorial for the community on how to use it, please relply. * Info on where to send the recordings will be sent out to speakers ASAP * Recording should be sentearly and quality should be good o If you have never done a recording with OBS or other tool, send a sample to ddemaio@opensuse.org to receive feedback. * Pointers for people doing their video: o Make sure that the audio and ambient conditions are the same o Provide defaults on how to record a video with OBS. Have them send their recording to get feedback. o Assemble best practices videos (i.e. - speak as though you are talking to an audience or someone in the room, put something above the camera so your attention is on the camera.) * We will use the Big Blue Button inside venueless for Q&A Session o Stage 1 Q&A o Stage 2 Q&A #Rehearsal: Do a dry run with the videos three days before. Likely June 15 #Live Talk and Team Recordings * OBS will provide recording of the live talks * c3voc stream will provide backup recording ability
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