RE: Re: [opensuse-project] SPAM on openSUSE wiki

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Christian Boltz Gesendet: Sa. 27.02.2016 00:33 An: Kopie: Betreff: Re: [opensuse-project] SPAM on openSUSE wiki
TL;DR: the english wiki is temporarily read-only to stop spammers (wiki admins can still do edits)
Am Freitag, 26. Februar 2016, 19:37:11 CET schrieb Christian Boltz:
Am Freitag, 26. Februar 2016, 15:04:05 CET schrieb Henne Vogelsang:
Christian when you block people you can't tick the 'Automatically block the last IP address used by this use' checkbox as this will block the IP of the proxy in front of the wiki and hence every user.
Oops, I wasn't aware of this detail :-(
Actually I abused this detail again - the massive spam attack continues, and blocking the proxy IPs is the only way I have to stop the spam.
Yes, I'm aware that this will also block "good" edits. Sorry for that, but even if someone sends me a mail with "can you please change $page to $text", it's still faster than deleting 1000 more spam pages. (Still, I'd like to ask you to do this only in really urgent cases ;-)
On releated news: I discussed available options to block the spammers with Darix. The "Nuke" extension to mass-delete pages is already on the staging wiki and should be available in the production wiki on monday. We also have some ideas to prevent spam posts - more on this when it's implemented.
Fun fact, in case someone wonders: blocking the spammers by username means fighting windmills - they switch user accounts faster than I can block them :-( (yes, I tested this!)
Christian Boltz --
Could someone remove this requirement? I think you have to write a bugzilla. While Villabajo still discusses which medium to use, Villarriba has already submitted 304823. [>> Volker Kuhlmann, > Carlos E. R. and Jan Engelhardt in opensuse- factory]
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Question: are these "humans" or bots? If they are bots, wouldn’t it do to ask for solving picture captchas? Or do they really have so much man power to employ people to do hand edited spam?? --- Alle Postfächer an einem Ort. Jetzt wechseln und E-Mail-Adresse mitnehmen! -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, email:
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