[opensuse-project] Re: [opensuse-conference] Fwd: Re: oSC14

On Tuesday 11 March 2014 10:58:35 Jos Poortvliet wrote:
On Friday 07 March 2014 16:59:53 Svebor Prstačić wrote:
Hey Jos,
Anditosan made some, take a look at Trello: https://trello.com/c/kc7e599P
Thanks. We have logo's on LWN and Muktware, no replies from the other sites yet. Will ping them later today.
Linux Voice is in, too. We just missed the deadline of the issue just before the conference :( but they will tweet etc and put a banner on their site. I've asked for their logo to put on our site. Thanks for putting LWN and Muktware on there already!
On Fri, 2014-03-07 at 16:31 +0100, Jos Poortvliet wrote:
Artwork team!
If we can get conference-promotion banners in the sizes below, we can get them on lwn.net.
Sooner is better ;-)
Know that LWN's background is white so I suggest a white background to make them look nicely fitting in. ---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Re: oSC14 Date: Friday 07 March 2014, 07:47:27 From: Jake Edge <jake@lwn.net> To: jospoortvliet@gmail.com
On Fri, 07 Mar 2014 10:33:14 +0100 Jos Poortvliet wrote:
Yeap, it is. What are the banner sizes?
any of the standard sizes ... 728x90, 160x600, 300x250, etc.
participants (1)
Jos Poortvliet