Reminder: All SLE 15 SP5 feature requests need to be evaluated until 29th July (this Friday)

Hello openSUSE! To start on a positive note, this deadline does not apply for Community/Leap only changes, which do not require any changes on the SLE side. There, we have time until the Beta code submission deadline next year. So this deadline is really for Leap changes that are otherwise blocked by SLES or generally any update requests to SLES. These requests need to be evaluated (in jira) and moved to engineering, which means to be approved by SLES product and project management. I went through all community requested features in *code-o-o, and so far, all should be processed. Each of Leap 15.5 features touching SLE packages should have linked Jira (done by me). Please reach out to me if I missed your feature. If you have anything last minute, then please report it in code-o-o, provide quick summary (see mdadm update request as an *example) why is the change needed and reach out to me as quickly as possible. Otherwise, PM might not get to evaluate it on time, and it will be tracked as a late feature. Late feature is not a big deal, but it also might simply not be approved later on, especially if it's a more significant change. Keep in mind that 15.5/15 SP5 is expected to be a conservative release. Let's rather be on the safe side, report it early. Leap 15.5 has not yet bugs in *Bugzilla, so checking for any "masked feature request" was quick. (Original 15.5 early planning call) Thank you very much for your understanding Lubos Kocman openSUSE Leap Release Manager [0] [1] [2] [3]
participants (1)
Lubos Kocman