Hi all, Welcome to 2024! We have a calendar!!! A big thank you to the contributors that made this happen. You can find out information about openSUSE meetings at https://calendar.opensuse.org and add the calendar invitations with all the details for reminding you about the openSUSE Community Meetings. The meeting take place at https://meet.opensuse.org/meeting, which if down will be at https://meet-test.opensuse.org/meeting We will have a community meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) at 14:30 UTC (60 minutes). Community Meeting 2 is scheduled for Thursdays at 20:00 UTC. Submit a talk and register for the openSUSE Conference 2024 at https://events.opensuse.org/ Find all meeting notes at https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/weeklymeeting v/r Doug
participants (1)
ddemaio openSUSE