openSUSE Board Election 2020 Results

Fellow openSUSE Members, The results of the 2020 openSUSE Board Election are in. Total eligible voters: 518 Voters who cast ballots: 229 Vote Count by candidate: Axel Braun 142 Gertjan Lettink 134 Maurizio Galli 103 Nathan Wolf 59 Neal Gompa 131 None of the above 5 The newly elected Board members are: 1. Axel Braun 142 2. Gertjan Lettink 134 3. Neal Gompa 131 On behalf of the election officials, A huge thank you to all the candidates for stepping up for election and congratulations to our new board members! Wishing all "Geekos" a very Happy New Year and fruitful and successful 2021! -- Ariez Vachha

Dear all, On 12/31/20 4:21 PM, Ariez Vachha - openSUSE wrote:
The newly elected Board members are:
1. Axel Braun 142 2. Gertjan Lettink 134 3. Neal Gompa 131
On behalf of the election officials, A huge thank you to all the candidates for stepping up for election and congratulations to our new board members!
I would like to congratulate Axel, Gertjan and Neal for being elected, I think the board will benefit from all of you in there :). I would also like to thank the members who voted for me. Although I wasn't elected I am grateful for every single vote and the confidence in me. Last but not least a big thanks to the Election Officials and Membership Officials for the work in making this election happening. I wish you all a wonderful 2021 ahead! Cheers, Maurizio -- Maurizio Galli Xfce Team

Dear Ariez & election officials, Geekos, Am Donnerstag, 31. Dezember 2020, 09:21:41 CET schrieb Ariez Vachha - openSUSE:
Fellow openSUSE Members,
The results of the 2020 openSUSE Board Election are in.
Thank you for running this election again so smart!
Total eligible voters: 518 Voters who cast ballots: 229
Vote Count by candidate:
Axel Braun 142 Gertjan Lettink 134 Maurizio Galli 103 Nathan Wolf 59 Neal Gompa 131 None of the above 5
The newly elected Board members are:
1. Axel Braun 142 2. Gertjan Lettink 134 3. Neal Gompa 131
Thanks to *all* Geekos who joined the vote, and sorry for Nathan and Maurizio who did not make it this time. I'm looking forward to 2 years of board work, and I trust we can lift the community to the next level. We have a strong community with great tools and I trust we can raise the awareness in the market, get our legal structure done, and, and, and....yes, there is pretty much ahead of us!
On behalf of the election officials, A huge thank you to all the candidates for stepping up for election and congratulations to our new board members!
Wishing all "Geekos" a very Happy New Year and fruitful and successful 2021!
Same from my end! All the best Axel

Op donderdag 31 december 2020 09:21:41 CET schreef Ariez Vachha - openSUSE:
Fellow openSUSE Members,
The results of the 2020 openSUSE Board Election are in.
Total eligible voters: 518 Voters who cast ballots: 229
Vote Count by candidate:
Axel Braun 142 Gertjan Lettink 134 Maurizio Galli 103 Nathan Wolf 59 Neal Gompa 131 None of the above 5
The newly elected Board members are:
1. Axel Braun 142 2. Gertjan Lettink 134 3. Neal Gompa 131
On behalf of the election officials, A huge thank you to all the candidates for stepping up for election and congratulations to our new board members!
Wishing all "Geekos" a very Happy New Year and fruitful and successful 2021! Hey Ish, Ariez, Edwin, thanks for organizing yet another electoin so well.
Congratz to Neal and Axel, huge thanks to Mau and Nate for standing up. !!!! And ....... thanks to the community for re-electing me -- Gertjan Lettink a.k.a. Knurpht openSUSE Forums Team

Congrats to our new (and returning) board members! -- Jim Henderson Please keep on-topic replies on the list so everyone benefits

On Thu 2020-12-31, Ariez Vachha - openSUSE wrote:
The newly elected Board members are:
1. Axel Braun 142 2. Gertjan Lettink 134 3. Neal Gompa 131
Congratulations to the new/old board members! Maurizio and Nathan: I've been impressed by your positive energy, down to earth-ness, and engagement for the project and hope you'll continue to drive those things you mentioned on your platforms and the "meet the candidates". I believe most (if not everything) does not require a seat on the board; and if there is any support you need by the board, you absolutely have mine (and I'm sure that of others, too).
Wishing all "Geekos" a very Happy New Year and fruitful and successful 2021!
*this += healthy; // ;-) Gerald -- Dr. Gerald Pfeifer <>, CTO @SUSE + chair @openSUSE
participants (6)
Ariez Vachha - openSUSE
Axel Braun
Gerald Pfeifer
Jim Henderson
Maurizio Galli [m4u9]