= Board Meeting Monday 2023-12-04 13:00 CET = * Present: Doug, Gerald, Mau, Neal, Patrick * Excused: Gertjan * Guests: Attila, Axel, bittin, Georg * This week's report to be sent by: Doug == Membership == * In the last board meeting with quoram the idea was brought up to automatically grant membership after a certain period unless the application was explicitly denied. * Gerald could not attend that meeting and raised concerns afterwards. ** generally from a governance perspective ** if membership officials are overwhelmed/unavailable approving, who would filter membership requests * AI Gerald to reach out to membership officials again, asking their take == Logo Competition == * Doug provided an update on logo competition and the next steps to take place ** Meeting to go over the logos after the competition is complete will take place on Dec. 12 ** Doug will send the Project logo winner design to legal for processing == IT == * Gerald will communicate with infra to help establish a relationship to gain help from SUSE IT based on needs from heroes, etc. Board Meeting ends at 14:02 CEST.