Stasiek Michalski píše v Po 03. 06. 2019 v 08:01 +0200:
For current proposals, and to propose more visit:
openSUSE name issues: * contains `SUSE`, which will require agreement between future openSUSE Foundation and SUSE to use the name (we will need this anyway, because we will support older releases, but at least there would be some exit strategy when everything goes south built into the name of the foundation)
I will not add much for the discussion as Richard quite nicely explained why it would make sense to re-brand everything. OTOH indeed we would completely lose all the browine points we have right now with the openSUSE name. What I would like to see is to have a proper vote in helios (like when we vote for board members) first with 'rename/no rename' and if rename wins then with the various possible names to be selected. Also given the importance of the first decision it would be nice to have something more than 50% of the votes but to make sure we have more than X of the all electorate voting and (to avoid brainsplit when we could get 50.2% in favor of one option). Cheers Tom