On Sat, 2020-12-19 at 00:21 +1030, Simon Lees wrote:
On 12/19/20 12:04 AM, Martin Pluskal wrote:
On Fri, 2020-12-18 at 23:53 +1030, Simon Lees wrote:
On 12/18/20 10:26 PM, Valentine May wrote:
I can assure that membership approval process is running, but its not as fast as you might have expected.
Discussions with applicants give evidence that many of them will not be able to participate to the election because. The membership process is "running" so fast, that they will have miss it.
Could the Board look into this?
Sorry generally the board tries not to get involved in this unless we really have to due to the conflict of interest, especially with current board members up for reelection. Under ideal process the election officials should check with the membership officials to ensure that any membership applications received before the start of "Phase 1"[1], whether this was followed in this instance is probably a question for an election post mortum. I am unsure if the election officials can or have ever added more participants to an election once its started.
(Note this email was sent from me before chatting to the rest of the board)
My understanding is that only those who are members at beginning of elections are eligible to vote anyways.
Anyways let me assure you that applications that were recieved before beginning of elections were thoroughly evaluated, yet obviously in several cases membership officials could not come to conclusion that claimed contributions match our membership guidelines [1] - that is "continued and substantial contributions to the openSUSE project".
I believe that a previous board loosened the criteria a bit. From that document
is that the so called "openSUSE Members" have contributed in a measurable way, shown a desire to have voting rights within the openSUSE project and have completed the application process
As mentioned in the introduction, contribution in a measurable way is the basis for becoming an "openSUSE Member"
So I believe under the current rules any "Measurable Contribution" should be enough for membership rather then the old "continued and substantial contributions to the openSUSE project". Richard proposed this change and it was adopted by the community and this is what the board expects the membership officials should be using as criteria see.
Indeed And we try to be as relaxed as possible when accepting new membership applications, but still there are cases where members of membership comitee are not able to reach immediate decision. Please note that we recieve application with empty profiles, promises of future contributions and no existing one and most difficult contributions on platform where we are not present (various social media etc ...) Still in good faith we try to look up the applicant and find out if he has shown any contribution - but its not allways a trivial task ... Cheers Martin