-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On Wednesday, 2008-12-24 at 12:13 +0100, Vincent Untz wrote:
Le mercredi 24 décembre 2008, à 01:04 +0100, Carlos E. R. a écrit :
I think it would be better to delay the box and add the first month or two of patches. They usually are a lot patches, and some of the bugs discovered and solved in the first month or two after release are important.
This part of the thread seems to be trying to solve the wrong issue (IMHO). Instead of waiting one month after the release to get patches for major bugs in the release, why not have those bugs identified and fixed before the release?
Yes, that would be ideal, but...
It is possible. It "only" involves having more people testing Factory. If Factory is difficult to test, then that's the issue we have to focus on.
...and this is the "but". You will not get that number of testers, IMO. People simply expect "others" to do the testing, few take the plunge and go ahead. You need experienced people to do the testing. Factory is not easy to follow. No, I don't think you can make it much easier. There are problems, difficulties, it can stop working... What problems? Let me see, I'll list mine: - You need a good Internet connection. Factory changes so fast that I have serious difficulties doing a "zypper dup", because it changes before I have time to download. - You need a separate machine so not to disrupt your work. Or you need a separate partition (and remember that the number of partitions is now more limited than they were). There is some danger of what you install in factory partition breaking things in your main partition. - You can end with broken hardware (Intel network!) - You may be affected by bugs that for you are "blockers" but not for others. I was. I have been a month without being able to run factory at all, because it crashed (reiser and beagle problem reborn!). I had things I wanted to test and have been unable to. Not even now. - Testers have to be experienced, so that they can solve some problems on their own. - Some testers wait till the RC phase before testing. I myself wait till beta, I don't consider myself hardy enough to test earlier. - They have to be able to read and write English. Yes, there are testers who don't. - ... - -- Cheers, Carlos E. R. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAklSOMcACgkQtTMYHG2NR9VshwCaA6IxHc8Bkx5AkuJPtKwI4sp7 q6gAnRUokNgxIS0AQqMd02rJksIN+Q0V =Jc3P -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----