Hello, Am Samstag, 27. Juni 2020, 00:10:10 CEST schrieb Knurpht-openSUSE:
Op vrijdag 26 juni 2020 22:24:43 CEST schreef Vinzenz Vietzke:
Am Freitag, 26. Juni 2020, 21:29:20 schrieb Sarah Julia Kriesch:
After a reelection of the existing Board the Marketing Team can live freedom again.
Working in the marketing team myself for more than two years now there never ever was any interfering from the current or any previous board. Or any other third party.
Note that Sarah wrote I have to forward information, if activities are affected by Board decisions (even if that is related "only" to me). That does _not_ mean that those decisions were communicated to the marketing team - especiallly the "related only to me" part should make that clear. Therefore it's not surprising that the marketing team did not know about this before. (And this also means that it wasn't a "false statement".)
I second this call from Vinz. Please stop your attacks. Any more accusations of discrimations will no longer be accepted by me. I will no longer accept your behaviour on these lists.
Gertjan, that's your opinion, not necessarily "the truth"[tm] - and when you loudly rejected what Sarah wrote in her request for conflict resolution support, you didn't even give her a chance to explain her point of view - and now you ask her again to shut up. Nice[tm]. Oh, BTW: (at least) some of the things you said to or about Sarah in that meeting were plain wrong. For example, you misquoted one of my mails in the worst possible way, and I can only hope that your goal wasn't to break the friendship between Sarah and me. Please stop now, you've already caused more than enough damage :-( Speaking about accusations (and unrelated to this discussion) - what would you do with someone who writes And please stop stalking me $name. on a mailinglist while there isn't any indication of stalking or other misbehaviour? Regards, Christian Boltz --
Leider Gottes ist es so, daß wenn man einen Spammer zu Strecke gebracht hat, dafür drei neue auftauchen. Das ist wie bei den Fliegen. Schlägst Du eine Tot, kommen 40 zur Beerdigung. ;) [> Martin Mewes und Michael Raab in suse-linux]
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