= Board Meeting Monday 2024-04-25 17:00 CEST = * Present: Doug, Gerald, Patrick, Simon * Missed: Neal * Guests: Attila, Knurpht, MarcelR, JohnM == Moderation == * Looking into establishing process together with moderators, which might be along the following lines: * All reports should go to the respective moderators first and foremost (or the respective moderation team where this may not be clear and they dispatch appropriately). * The board will redirect reports accordingly. * Appeals to an individual moderator's request will be handled by the moderators team. * The moderators team will reach out to the board as needed, for example if they want to recommend removing someone's membership, carrying out a formal process. * As a option of last resort an issue maybe appealed to the board, as they are accountable to the community through election. * Knurpht states that the Board should leave the entire moderation up to the moderators/admins and only act on certain requests for measures that moderators cannot effect themselves. == GDPR == * No update yet == Bugzilla contact == * No response on Escalate * Gerald escalating? * Update after the meeting: Doug escalated via his management. == Next Meeting == * Return to normal schedule == private part of meeting == * Filling open board seat