On 2023-10-17 17:36, ddemaio wrote:
Dear openSUSE Contributors,
A few of us within the community want to extend our heartfelt thank you and appreciation for your dedicated community in ensuring the security and integrity of openSUSE's distributions, tools and communications channels.
We want to acknowledge that swift and decisive measures to prevent malicious content from infiltrating the openSUSE ecosystem is of the upmost importance. As we unfortunately witnessed with Ubuntu recent release, some people will act with malicious intent and use hate speech. Our hearts go out to the Ubuntu community for the challenges they've faced. Stay strong, friends.
Your commitment to maintaining a high standard is highly appreciated. openSUSE members have been actively guarding and protecting our community's image from threats, which is commendable.
We realize that what happend to Ubuntu can happen to other distributions, and we should remain vigilant and dedication to safeguarding the user community.
We encourage discussion about this topic and have a few key points we would like to emphisize below.
Weblate open source: The open-source community relies on collaborative tools like Weblate to ensure translations and contributions are secure. We encourage contributions to this tool as it could help identify harmful content.
Awareness: It's essential to spread awareness about the need for a content review and security checks in open-source projects. By doing so, we can make a proactive stance against any potential threats.
Resilience: Building resilience in our open-source ecosystems is crucial. This resilience not only shields us from threats but also guarantees a safe and harassment-free environment.
In a world where cybersecurity is of paramount importance, your actions not only prevent harm but also set an example for others in the open-source community. Thank you for keeping openSUSE a safe and reliable choice for all of us who depend on it.
Sincerely, openSUSE Community Meeting - weeklymeeting20231017
For some additional context regarding the topic, please see Ubuntu's TwitterX post about this subject - https://x.com/ubuntu/status/1712593893319930079?s=20