Op donderdag 1 juni 2023 23:50:43 CEST schreef Carlos E. R.:
On 2023-06-01 23:43, Knurpht-openSUSE wrote:
Op donderdag 1 juni 2023 22:40:47 CEST schreef Per Jessen:
Dear Natasha
this debate is the first time I have seen your name appear. I have also googled and there are no applicable hits. I would be curious to understand more about your connection to our community? are you perhaps a user, a contributor, a packager?
If you do not have much interest in our community, other than plain curiosity, perhaps you ought to keep your mouth shut.
Just something to consider.
Per, you have not objected to others, where you could have. Just to mention the Wouter person. Why not? Why question a person that identifies with the LHGTBQ community?
The Wouter person is apparently someone that is here normally under another name and contributes things, just that is afraid to use his own name in this discussion and hides it under a different name and email.
I am also curious about seeing in this discussion names that I have never before noticed.
-- Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R. (from 15.4 x86_64 at Telcontar)
OK, so we go with assumptions. Well i won't. Seen proof of the being part of some team, Carlos. A team not openSUSE friendly, so to say. -- Gertjan Lettink a.k.a. Knurpht openSUSE Board openSUSE Forums Team