At the moment, we don't have immediate plans to change the banner. The current banner has served as a way to foster a welcoming environment for the LGBTQ+ community and, as a side effect, to filter out individuals who do not align with our values of inclusivity as stated on coc.opensuse.org. I understand that the removal of your post without clear communication was a lapse on our part. Moving forward, it might be a good idea to work on improving our communication by utilizing Reddit's removal reasons to provide more transparent explanations. That's a topic to discuss internally on another day though. There are a couple of things I don't understand though: 1. Why are you so offended by a symbol that shows solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community? That does not seem to fit into a welcoming and open community like we are. 2. Why did you create a second account just to post the poll? I can't think of another reason to do so other than manipulating the result by voting with two accounts, which again makes me question your intentions.