On Fri, 10 Dec 2021 08:30:53 +0100 ddemaio wrote:
# Lesson Plans 0. Benefits of open-source-software (started) - https://demacloud.ocloud.de/index.php/s/JbqB2FfWepF3NJn Started off with Materials. And added two more sections for understanding licensing and why people do open source. (task for next meeting is to find a video to help with learning the obectives) to be presented in Tuesday meeting. Find two videos focusing on "Understand the difference between open and free software" and "Reasons for joining open source communities"
Perhaps this might be of interest EU Study about Open Source Impact[0[ Presentation about results[1] The Linux Foundation panel about it[2] tl;dr(the report is ~400 pages) seems to be "The report finds that in 2018 (the last year of data analyzed in the report), EU countries, companies, and citizens invested the equivalent of more than 1 billion Euro in creating OSS and OSH[Open Source Hardware]. It further found that the impact on GDP of these investments was between 60 and 95 billion Euro. Based on these numbers, the report shows that if EU policies could increase the contributions to OSS and OSH in the EU by 10%, EU GDP would increase by 0.4%, or 63 billion Euro per year, and there would be an additional 600 information technology startups created per year Using these numbers to conduct a cost-benefit analysis, the report finds that in the EU, after accounting for hardware and other related costs, for every one Euro invested in OSS and OSH, there is a return of four Euro." [3] Not bad, not bad at all :) [0]https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/library/study-about-impact-open-sou... [1]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujp2dsfyOuQ [2]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLLCYQSkcT4&list=PLbzoR-pLrL6q8QMGJ4dFnqejkH... [3]https://www.brookings.edu/research/digital-infrastructure-is-more-than-just-... Pedja