Hi all, I wanted to give you an update from our Organizing Team Meeting from Feb. 16. If you want to help with any of the Trello cards, we would welcome your help. There are a few cards people can do from any where like an article about hotels and hostels. Just add yourself to a card you would like to do or work on with someone - https://trello.com/b/xhSviOKO The big take away from this week's meeting is getting people to submit proposals - http://bit.ly/1o1Nn7I 1. Submit SUSE Labs Summit proposal on events.opensuse.org under type ‘Submit SUSE Labs Summit’ 2. Contact seigo@kolabsystems.com and info@hcderaad.nl for proposals for Kolab Summit 3. Submit OwnCloud proposal on events.opensuse.org under type ‘OwnCloud’ 4. Submit SaltStack proposal on events.opensuse.org under type ‘SaltStack’ We should release an article tomorrow about the dates and location. v/r Doug Week 2 notes - http://community.opensuse.org/meetings/opensuse-project/2016/opensuse-projec... Week 1 notes - http://community.opensuse.org/meetings/opensuse-project/2016/opensuse-projec...