Hello, [I don't have a clear opinion on the move yet. Well, waiting for the dust to settle is probably a good idea. The only thing I know for sure is that moving all the people is the hardest part. Anyway, this mail is about a specific topic, which is...] Am Donnerstag, 27. Mai 2021, 12:28:40 CEST schrieb Gerald Pfeifer:
As for cloak settings, I'm deferring to the experts.
I did the cloak setup for several members in the last years, not sure if that qualifies me as an "expert" ;-) TL;DR: Here's your can of worms. Longer version: Assuming Libera uses a similar process for the cloak setup, then it's quite easy - the right people need to ping one of the Libera admins and ask them to setup the cloak "opensuse/member/$name" for $nickname. Unfortunately that's only the second step. The first step is knowing the nicknames, and since Libera is a new network, people can register with any nickname they want. This means the Freenode IRC nicks we know (see connect.opensuse.org) aren't worth much when it comes to Libera. Now to the worms ;-) Worm 1: We need to ask all members to tell us their Libera nickname, ideally in a way that ensures that it's really that member who tells us the nickname (= write it on a place where they can only store it after logging in). Worm 2: where do we store it? connect.o.o (you know, that thing that needs a replacement since years) would be an obvious choice. However, none of the existing fields are a good fit for it, and I have no idea if/how we can add a field for the Libera nickname there. Besides that, I doubt that spending time on extending that dead horse makes sense. Worm 3, still connect.o.o: We'll probably have to abuse another field - I tend to "about me" or "Brief description". And that means that our members have to use a defined format and literally need to write something like "Libera.Chat nickname: mynick". Worm 3a ;-) We'll hate this workaround if we ever replace connect.o.o with something different and have to split the Libera nick out of the "about me" field. Worm 4: connect.o.o doesn't send out notifications to the admins, therefore after adding the nick there everybody needs to send a mail to admin@ saying "Please cloak me on Libera.Chat, my connect page is https://connect.opensuse.org/pg/profile/$username". In case you wonder: pointing to the connect page instead of just mentioning the nickname might sound like additional paperwork, but ensures that we setup the cloak for the correct nickname. (Doing this only by mail would make it possible to request a cloak "opensuse/member/cboltz" for the nickname "gerald" ;-) and while I hope that our members are not that evil, better safe than sorry.) Speaking about the actual cloak, that's - surprise! - not a worm. We can probably re-use the content of the "Freenode IRC cloak" for Libera. Worm 5 is to get the actual cloak setup done at Libera. In comparison to everything above, that's probably the easiest part. Is this enough Gagh for today? ;-) Regards, Christian Boltz -- Wahrscheinlich habe ich wieder fürchterlichen Code produziert, aber du bist ja mittlerweile schon beinahe mein persönlicher Codestaubsauger. ;-) [Andreas Schott]