On 6/3/19 2:35 AM, Richard Brown wrote:
So whatever your views, please sound off in this thread, even if your view is already echoed by others.
Do you think openSUSE should change it's name?
I feel there is a LOT of brand equity in openSUSE. Changing the name will require a LONG time to rebuild that equity. And the field of Linux distros/projects is already very cluttered with unrecognizable names, some misleading names, that come and go. The rapid coming-and-going names cause mistrust and disinterest. I think we should keep the openSUSE name: for stability, for long-term recognition of what we stand for, and for continued capitalization on what is known and trusted. I recognize the potential of the opportunity here. This is a time that might not come again in quite so favorable circumstances, to launch a new brand and to stand unique. But I personally don't see the potential benefit(s) outperforming the strengths and permanence of remaining openSUSE. That's my contribution to the discussion, for whatever it's worth.