On Sat 2020-12-05, Neal Gompa wrote:
Right now, our advocacy efforts are very haphazard and poor Doug does far too much on his own. This is definitely something we can do better. We have plenty of people who are passionate about openSUSE, but we lack an organized means to tell the world *why* openSUSE is awesome. I think this is something worth prioritizing to fix.
What I would like to do here is evolve the structure of the project so that we have a dedicated sub-organization that people can collaborate under to drive advocacy for openSUSE. I don't know if you saw Ben Cotton's talk at oSLO on Fedora's governance[1], but he mentions that Fedora has a Mindshare Committee[2] which coordinates advocacy efforts around Fedora. I think this is something worth seeing if we can adapt into openSUSE and help make advocates of openSUSE successful in making openSUSE something people would consider in their top-tier choices (along with Fedora and Ubuntu).
[1]: https://youtu.be/wogwykobbr0 [2]: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/mindshare-committee/
I intentionally waited for the small window between the election period and results being published (which I'll get at the same time as you ;-): Regardless of whether you are elected, regardless who is elected, what stands in the way? I'm just wondering whether you envision this to be about enforcing the existing openSUSE marketing team, a part thereof with a specific focus, or overlapping (just hopefully not competing) and what you are looking for? The way openSUSE usually works, I'd say: go for it, propose, get others excited, get the work going... (I don't see a formal structure with elections etc. as one of the first stages.) Gerald