Dear Community, the followings are the minutes from the board meeting from 2020-05-12 ---------------------- Attendees: Gerald Pfeifer, Axel Braun, Simon Lees, Vinzenz Vietzke, Marina Latini Minutes keeper: Marina Latini Meeting starts at: 22:08 Agenda: 1 openSUSE Jitsi instance for Board calls 2 Extra topic - Missing public minutes 3 Community platform domain 4. Extra topic - Foundation 5 Extra topic - Follow-up on Factory 6 Extra topic - New SSO issue between Heroes and SUSE IT. 1 openSUSE Jitsi instance for Board calls First attempt was not working properly. we tested the instance but for some the audio and/or video was not working. For this meeting the board used the old platform. Outcome: Inform mstrigl and test again the instance and see if the issues are solved. + https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/66173?issue_count=124&issue_position=45... 2 Extra topic - Missing public minutes. Gerald: checked the published minutes and some are still missing and not published. Marina: she has two pending minutes to send out. She will circulate the draft for a final review. Proposal from Gerald: for speeding up the publishing, just wait for the feedback from two board members and then send out the final minutes to the list. 3 Community platform domain The board got a request from marketing community people for using opensu.se domain + Vinz asked for more info like goal and scope. + Marketing people compared what Fedora is using now for community services like for example URL shortner. Issue: the proposed URL is owned by an individual community member. + Simon told that about 2 years ago the owner was in favour to transfer the domain to the project. + Gerald suggests to try to ask first informally, not directly as board, and try to ask what the owner is willing to do now. AI: Vinz will try to contact the owner. The discussion was moved to a generic level, trying to understand if there are other domains to possibly register and if they are tracked somewhere. NOTEs: * https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/64652 * https://progress.opensuse.org/projects/opensuse-admin-wiki/wiki/Domains ++ Geographical domains should only be used for localized community topics. ++ Owner should be the owner of the openSUSE trademark or a group of trusted people. ++ In case of conflicts the board will resolve the conflict. AI All: List and document the existing domains AI: Gerald replies to Ish for sharing what we discussed about geographical domains and solicit feedback. 4 Extra topic - Foundation: follow-up and status from https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/foundation_extra_resource + as openSUSE we should clarify what we want to achieve. AI: Simon will try to recollect the document shared with SUSE internal. 5 Extra topic - Follow-up on Factory A maintainers is willing to abandon the packages maintained. Subject: "[opensuse-factory] Why am I no longer a maintainer of graphics/OpenShadingLanguage" Subject: "[opensuse-factory] Blender, openCOLLADA and OpenImageIO need a maintainer" AI: Simon will try to contact Dave. 6 Extra topic - New SSO issue between Heroes and SUSE IT. + miss-communication between SUSE-IT and Heroes Team + both the groups worked in parallel without coordinating. + There is an agreement for now and the communication issue seems to be solved for the moment. + Next steps will be discussed when the current IT migration will end. + the topic can be also considered important and valuable for the foundation. Meeting ends at: 22.56 ---------------------- Have a nice day, Marina -- Marina Latini openSUSE Board: deneb_alpha www.documentfoundation.org www.libreitalia.org -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-project+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, email: opensuse-project+owner@opensuse.org