Gesendet: Freitag, 26. Juni 2020 um 09:04 Uhr Von: "Martin Pluskal" <martin@pluskal.org> An: opensuse-project@opensuse.org Betreff: Re: [opensuse-project] Marketing brainstorm meeting report
On Fri, 2020-06-26 at 07:57 +0200, Sarah Julia Kriesch wrote:
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 25. Juni 2020 um 22:46 Uhr Von: "Stasiek Michalski" <hellcp@opensuse.org> An: "Christian Boltz" <opensuse@cboltz.de> Cc: opensuse-project@opensuse.org, marketing@opensuse.org Betreff: Re: [opensuse-project] Marketing brainstorm meeting report
On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 22:30, Christian Boltz <opensuse@cboltz.de> wrote:
At the same time, however, I am urged to suggest not to use the term "discrimination" for things that have nothing to do with it. This is a serious problem, and using this term improperly risks undermining the work of all those who are committed to actively fighting it.
To start with - can we please first have an as-exact-as-possible definition/description of what is or isn't discrimination?
I'll start with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrimination because that matches my understanding:
Discrimination is the act of making distinctions between human beings based on the groups, classes, or other categories to which they are perceived to belong. People may discriminate on the basis of age, caste, [... long list ...] as well as other categories.
There can be positive (not punishing someone who misbehaved) and negative discrimination (for example punishing someone who did nothing wrong) - since we are a mostly technical community, they are easily explained by the words "whitelisting" and "blocklisting" ([1] again).
Can we agree on this definition?
I don't really agree, since discrimination is based on who you are and not how you act, it would be really hard to explain acting on bad or good behaviour as a form of discrimination. I would in that case opt for a term "moderation" instead ;)
LCP [Stasiek] https://lcp.world
How about following definition by a professional website[0]? The AGU defines discrimination as: unequal or unfair treatment in professional opportunities, education, benefits, evaluation, and employment (such as hiring, termination, promotion, compensation) as well as retaliation and various types of harassment. Discriminatory practices can be explicit or implicit, intentional, or unconscious.
Best regards, Sarah Only harrasment I see here comes from you and your entourage Sarah - plese stop with this toxic behavior.
Who has brought the toxic behavor to the mailing list? Who has represented agressivity here? They are only from the existing Board! There are facts, that they don't want to see any improvements in the Marketing Team, because they meant to do that better. There are other attestors in the community. Marina wants to have a list by affected Community Members and openess. She can have that: 1) Support of discrimination on maling lists and no interaction after a support email because of whitelisting 2) Admission of a negative impact on election results 3) I have brought the same suggestions for Marketing improvements as Vinz (difference is the brainstorming with existing facs marked by unhappy users). The Board does not want to have any improvements. My suggestions are bad. The list can be longer. That has happened in a really short time within the openSUSE Board. I was invided to the meeting of the Marketing Team. I had to include this topic because the existing Board is excluding a good Team work within the Marketing Team with their interactions. You can see the behavior within the Board how they are representing themselves. Look into my own (Localization) Team. Do you see unhappy Contributors there? Decisions by the Board are the problem here. Best regards, Sarah
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