On 29/05/18 05:31, Felix Miata wrote:
Simon Lees composed on 2018-05-28 21:21 (UTC+0930):
This brings us to the next issue, posting bugs / bug reports on mailing lists rather then bugzilla. This is a practice we would like to see stopped and we will be gently reminding people if they continue posting bugs on mailinglists, this especially includes if a package / application breaks when updating tumbleweed / leap (including beta's). We would ask that you search for your issue prior to reporting but in case you accidentally report a duplicate bug its easy for us to mark it as such, also if you report something that is intentional and not a bug it doesn't take long to mark it as such, so if in doubt file a bug rather then posting to a mailing list, there is useful information for filing bugs at the following links [1][2]. But if you are really stuck with trying to file your bug the friendly people at opensuse-support@o.o can support you through the process.
I don't get stuck "filing" bugs. I get stuck figuring out whether something is expected behavior, or constitutes a bug.
And that is where you should use opensuse-support@
Who's going to do all that extra triage work if every time someone has that dilemma and proceeds to file a bug instead of asking first? Mailing lists seem to generate responses, useful or otherwise, faster. Bugs apparently get seen by a select few, and are often ignored for long periods.
Just what constitutes "filing a bug" on a mailing list?
There are many posts on opensuse-factory@, that are along the lines of I updated to the latest snapshot and XYZ broke, these are what we'd prefer to have as bugreports.
1. https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Bug_reporting_FAQ 2. https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Submitting_bug_reports
I don't think these clarify, but at least indirectly may be inducing list "filing". From the latter:
"Non-technical users: You may try first http://forums.opensuse.org ."
-- Simon Lees (Simotek) http://simotek.net Emergency Update Team keybase.io/simotek SUSE Linux Adelaide Australia, UTC+10:30 GPG Fingerprint: 5B87 DB9D 88DC F606 E489 CEC5 0922 C246 02F0 014B