On Tue, 10 Aug 2021 22:08:02 +0200 Vinzenz Vietzke wrote:
* Question to the community: how can the communication sharing with others be improved?
The only way, I remembered working for a while, was someone who joined all team meetings (or at least reviewed the meeting minutes) and also reviewed forum posts, IRC channels and mailing lists - to provide the "weekly news". As this is hard work and costs a lot of time, all attempts to do this stopped sooner or later, when the volunteers had no time any longer. I have to admit that these persons had my deepest respect for their work, as collecting all the information from all the various places was definitively not an easy task. Maybe the weekly news hasn't to be done weekly, but quarterly? Maybe some of the team members (which ones do you have in focus to share their work, btw?) can be triggered somehow to submit their news to some known places - like planet.o.o? Maybe we need someone who actively pushes the teams to submit results? Maybe we need another tool (like https://rabbit.opensuse.org/), which can be feed by various teams and services (overloading people with 'communication')? Maybe we should ask our community, what they expect to hear from the various teams - and in which schedule? with kind regards, Lars