3 Dec
3 Dec
Op donderdag 3 december 2020 22:02:49 CET schreef Vojtěch Zeisek:
I can't speak for the others, but I know Axel, Neal and Maurizio pretty well, and we have spoken many times about these subjects. On Discord/Matrix/ Telegram, in real life, on openSUSE Summit and oSLO.
Might You be bit more specific, please? F.e. the Foundation, current discussions in the community, exchanging ideas. We are all aware of how important good ( and friendly ) communication is in the sense that it keeps the fun in it. With Axel and Maurizio I even discussed whether to run. We simply got in touch. And have some but not all thoughts in common.
-- Gertjan Lettink a.k.a. Knurpht openSUSE Forums Team