Hi all! I bet most of you have heard of this website, news.opensuse.org. Sometimes people post random vaguely openSUSE-related stuff there. Now I thought it would be fun to create a team around that - work a bit more structured :D People with the rights to post there now post whatever they like, whenever they like. Not that that is always a bad thing, but having a little more oversight to guarantee quality and timing would be good (eg 3 articles on one day then nothing for 3 days sucks; and sometimes there is some Germanglish in there too). It ain't hard - if you are currently writing there every now and then you want to be on the team. If you are willing and able to edit posts every now and then - you want to be on the team. If you want to WRITE for news, you don't HAVE to be on the team - you can just submit stuff and the editors will edit and publish it. So who's up for this? And I expect AJ and Henne at the very least to volunteer, Sascha, you too :D I'm going for everyone who has contributed a lot of stories to News.o.o to be on the team. Or those who can and want to write... So Helen? You! Cheers, Jos