On 03/21/2016 11:12 AM, Tomas Chvatal wrote:
Robert Schweikert píše v Po 21. 03. 2016 v 11:01 -0400:
On 03/21/2016 10:45 AM, PatrickD Garvey wrote:
I want to emphasize the "Link Rot" aspect of disabling an email address. It has been mentioned, but doesn't seem to be generating any awareness of the problem it represents.
Email addresses are not just used in store and forward communications systems. They are used in mailing list and forum communication. They are also in design, training, use and standards documents and bug reports. They appear in old blog and news articles. It is not inappropriate for someone looking for additional historical information to attempt communication with a "retired" participant. My former colleagues at my previous employers know where to find me.
How do you view the side effect of disabling the forwarding of email sent to an @openSUSE.org address on these uses?
Yes, I also think this is a problem and IMHO a very undesirable side effect of the decisions made at the Board F2F meeting. Michal K., I think, provided a very nice description of the problem.
However the reaction has been that those participating in the discussion have been accused of not reading the meeting minutes and follow up messages. Additionally there appears to be the insistence that there is not really an impact by the coming changes.
Michal K. even proposed a potential solution that would allow the "safe guarding" of @opensuse.org for only active members but this also appears to be conveniently ignored.
The more or less logical conclusion from this would be to not use @opensuse.org if you have one, as it may become disabled at some point in the future and then people have no way of contacting you.
Later, Robert
I still find your complaint about "suddenly loosing contact" quite moot. If the person won't react in couple of months on request to confirm
Well the last time I checked 30 days did not cover a couple of months.
his/her presence what makes you think such person would react on any other mail sent to that address.
Well it goes back to what was described already in the thread. The person is in the dilemma of either "claiming to be still interested", even if they are not just to be reachable or just dropping it and thus become unreachable via @opensuse.org. I don't think we should be so arrogant as to presume that a person that no longer actively contributes to openSUSE, and thus does not respond to the "are you still interested" message will not respond to other e-mail.
Most of the projects actually do the same if they retire somebody. Think of it like company email. You get one while you "work" on the thing and if you decide to move on the email changes.
Yes, that part is rather obvious.
Or did any of your former employers let you keep your email. Or when I think of it did your university let you keep your student email?
I don't but many schools do let students keep their addresses. You can still reach Ted at his @mit.edu address for example.
Also we can be really really nice and actually keep the aliases on autoreply that would say something like "Hello this guy is no longer with us, last known email address is bla@example.com".
That was Michal K.'s suggestion. Later, Robert -- Robert Schweikert MAY THE SOURCE BE WITH YOU Public Cloud Architect LINUX rjschwei@suse.com IRC: robjo