Dear candidates to the openSUSE board, as I need to decide about my vote and carefully read through your introduction. I'm happy that we got some candidates together. I would like to ask you some questions which I guess would highly influence my choice. - What is your pet project at openSUSE - name anything that comes to your mind (e.g. code, wiki, whatever comes to your mind...)? - How would you react to an escalation like this[1] on the mailing list? [1] https://lists.opensuse.org/archives/list/project@lists.opensuse.org/thread/R... - What's your opinion about flagging as welcoming community and inviting everybody to the project? - Can you explain to me, as I really want to get the bigger picture, how the future of legal setup the openSUSE project looks like? What is the status of the Geekos Foundation and what are the goals of the board regarding this matter? Thanks a lot in advance and happy hacking. Best regards -- Thorsten Bro <tbro@opensuse.org> - Member of openSUSE Heroes - https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Heroes - Member of openSUSE VideoTeam - https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Video