Simon Lees wrote:
The restrictions on those individuals lifted quite some time ago so until this week there was practically no moderation happening on any lists.
The board does sometimes choose to place certain members under moderation for a period if there has been complaints about their behavior at which time the moderation team will just review those posts.
Why isn't the "moderation team" actively following the lists they are assigned to? Seems dereliction of duty to me.
I think that's a general miss understanding, the moderation team were previously only moderating the emails of certain members as requested by the board.
I suggest it would be appropriate to document the duties of the "moderation team", as well as document who they are and how they are appointed and why/how they are qualified, i.e. their credentials. I can't help thinking that the current situation is oddly reminiscent of the old days of the DDR. Anyone who goes to our CoC page: will notice that the "moderation team" also maintains and updates our CoC. I guess their duties were expanded at some point ? I explicitly write "moderation team" in quotes, because there seems to be only one member contributing:
I was talking with members of the board at the openSUSE conference and we agreed that the best solution to the current issues was to put the lists on moderation while the board sorts through the complaints they have received.
If the board would like the list more heavily retrospectively moderated by a mailing list moderation team rather then complaints just going directly to them that is something we can address in the future.
It is perhaps an issue of wording - a moderator usually actively moderates a debate, ready to act when someone oversteps the line. I was not aware that our "moderation team" only subsequently reviews the held queue. -- Per Jessen, Zürich (23.1°C) Member, openSUSE Heroes (2016 - present) We're hiring -