A good place to start might be doing some testing. You could start by setting up openSUSE and doing some tinkering. Here is a guide: https://opensuse-guide.org/ If you come across anything that doesn't work the way you expected, report it (https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/). You could even try your hand at fixing a minor bug: https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/buglist.cgi?bug_severity=Minor&order=changeddate%20DESC%2Cpriority%2Cbug_severity&query_based_on=&query_format=advanced&resolution=--- Here's another useful resource: https://opensource.guide/ You mentioned you know some Python. If you're interested in working on a project, I've got some Python code you can look at. Let me know! On 9/6/21 9:44 AM, Sid Lais wrote:
Hi there, I am a first year B.Tech student in CSE. I came across your group while looking at the GSoC page and was interested in the project. I would really like it if you could give some tips and guidance. I don't think I can contribute to the code immediately but would like to do as much as I can. I have some basic knowledge of HTML and Python and can use Linux and Bash at a beginner level. What should I do so that I can contribute to Open Source as soon as possible.
-- *David Mulder* Labs Software Engineer, Samba SUSE 1800 Novell Place Provo, UT 84606 (P)+1 801.861.6571 dmulder@suse.com <http://www.suse.com/>