On Tue, May 05, 2020 at 04:02:33PM +0200, ddemaio wrote: [...]
It would be nice and also helpful for understanding to see the speaker as well, not only the presentation( like Richard did - https://youtu.be/idZEJ0OYfWU)
Sponsorship banners were too high aboove the presentation slides. Should try to make them closer to the presentation or create a sponsorship frame that the presentation is inside of. Feeback for improvement.
During the summit, many people were using the Telegram group (t.me/oSVS2020), email and phone calls to commuicate with adminstrators and other attendees. Having a chat inside the tool would be helpful in communicating with one another should there be technical difficulties or to communicate delays, etc. It would be transparent and everyone can see what is happening. Each session could also have a session chat, which posts an automatic reminder at th end the the session is over. Feeback for improvement.
Chatbox for chat with each others. Feeback for improvement.
Firefox seems to work without any issues, even it´s not recommended. Positive result feeback.
Inform the people upfront, how the virtual conferece tool is working. Not everyone was able to attend the first session that introduced the "rules". An email was sent to help mitigate this and a session was given to help inform people of the best practice for partiicpating in the event - https://www.slideshare.net/douglasdemaio/virtual-summit-intro Perhaps an introduction video for use could be one of the first things seen to introduce people to the tool. Feeback for improvement.
One really confusing point were the two registrations - one on events.opensuse.org (which I'm still not sure if it was of any use) and then creating an account on opensuse.reqmagic.com (where the login page did not offer any link to creating a new account - at least not on Thursday evening).
Maybe a "fullscreen-mode" for (while) the presentations?
That would be certainly useful.
People started to update their avitar and understood the value of updating the personal info. Positive result feeback.
It was a bit inconvenient that there was no link to the page where one could update personal info and upload an image from the conference (or at least I couldn't find one).
Raise Hand for ask questions
Consider use the different icon on Mute and Live
One thing I missed was the possibility to select audio devices like e.g. in GoToMeeting or Fuze. Playback wasn't a problem but having three microphones formally (mic input of the sound card (nothing plugged in), one integrated in webcam (no, please) and external USB one (preferred)), I had no idea which one would be used and how to make it use a different one it chose wrong. Fortunately I didn't need to use a microphone. Anyway, I don't want to sound as if I'm only complaining; it's just that you always remember better what did not work well. Overall, I would say the experience was surprisingly good, considering it was the first time for both the tool and the organizers. Michal Kubecek
Include a hashtag for Tweets. Area to show people the hastag :D #oSvirtsmt #oSVS20 -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-project+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, email: opensuse-project+owner@opensuse.org