On 8/11/21 7:27 AM, Lars Vogdt wrote:
Am Tue, 10 Aug 2021 23:33:03 +0200 schrieb Vinzenz Vietzke <vinz@vinzv.de>:
I tried pushing twice to get this running in the past years. There was hardly any interest from the community.
What exactly?
Get volunteers for a 24/7 job (collecting and editing information), that is normally done by paid Journalists? :-)
That's indeed my main concern about this "we need more communication" topic: people choose to join "their" teams because they feel welcome. Once they have their "family" around them, there not much need to communicate outside this family any longer. Especially for nerds like me, who talk more to their computer than to their family anyway ;-)
One of the contexts here is in terms of newer members of the community who want to contribute. If someone is newer and wants to contribute for some people this can be an easy process because they may see a bug in a package and head off to fix it (this is kinda how I started) or if they are interested in helping with IT infra its easy to direct someone to a Heroes meeting. But there are many other teams that people may not know exist because they tend to "sit in there silo" this can make it hard for others to know about them and what they are doing which makes it hard for them to join and help.
Just think about our current amount of communication tooling: * IRC * Forums * Mailing lists * Matrix channels * Discourse channels * OBS Web-discussions * Github issues and merge request comments * Telegram, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, ... I for sure missed some, sorry for that.
How on earth to we - as openSUSE community - expect to reach out to everyone on one/all of these channels? I don't think that we need to have this as a goal, but something that helps here is if we have a well written article for news.o.o then it becomes much easier to share that article to many of these platforms.
Big companies like Amazon, Google and M$ struggle with their communication strategies, while they have big teams paid for exactly this.
So I'm back to the last question from my former Email: What does our community expect to hear from the various teams - and in which schedule? (and maybe I need to add: on which communication platform?)
This is a good question, maybe something like a quarterly or half yearly report of things that the team has been involved in would be helpful and useful. Some teams are pretty good at giving talks on the openSUSE conference which is really helpful but often doesn't have the greatest reach. Another simple idea could be to get all teams that are having meetings and publishing minutes to do so in the same place maybe here, or maybe that would create too much noise and it should have a dedicated list but then instantly you start to have some form of cross team communications.
And I like to add: Who exactly is currently not happy with the existing communication? - At the moment, I assume the board is not happy, as this topic came out of the board minutes, correct?
Some of this has been raised with the board by members of the community, particularly in the context of making it easier for new contributors. Another factor is there is a belief that the board should be accountable for everything that goes on in the project, at the end of the day currently there are many places where the board has no idea atm. Having said that at the moment this isn't critical because currently were not legally accountable, however if in the future we wind up having a foundation the board maybe so its something worth trying to prepare for especially given that it will have other benefits for the community. Cheers, -- Simon Lees (Simotek) http://simotek.net Emergency Update Team keybase.io/simotek SUSE Linux Adelaide Australia, UTC+10:30 GPG Fingerprint: 5B87 DB9D 88DC F606 E489 CEC5 0922 C246 02F0 014B