On Thu 2021-03-18, medwinz wrote:
My logic is simple, mirrors cannot catch up with the new release if several major updates happen at nearly the same time.
That, plus the timing of announcements also makes a difference. Not everyone here probably follows the factory@ list closely (I, too, read project@ more regularly), so allow me to share a change Bernhard has recently made which should also help. Thank you, Bernhard! ==== forwarded message ==== From: Bernhard M. Wiedemann <bernhardout@lsmod.de> To: factory@lists.opensuse.org Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2021 15:09:28 +0200 Subject: factory publish delay [was New Tumbleweed snapshot 20210325] 20210325 was the first large snapshot to trigger my new logic for a longer publish delay (6h instead of 2h). The publisher became active when the repo age was 22203 s and the repo rsync log had 32114 lines and 2091370 byte. This time, download.o.o seems to have had a much better time handling the load than with previous full rebuilds. Though this seems to have been only a partial rebuild because there are 62802 entries in factory/repo Medium-term we can do more fine-tuning to balance publish delay vs load of download.o.o Ciao Bernhard M.