This is the kind of press that keeps "Joe User" away, it is in favor of openSUSE but the points we loose are those that would scare off anyone trying to decide if they have the skills to deal with Linux\openSUSE. here is his summary. "Conclusion: I must say that both of these distros have pleased me a lot and completely suffice my requirement of a home desktop system. Both automatically detected all my hardware and had installed the drivers required. However, when it comes to comparing the two, I get a little biased towards the more polished distro -OpenSUSE. SUSE shines as desktop OS. Like my above article demonstrates, SUSE wins the battle 11-3. Though package management is a very big factor, where OpenSUSE requires modification, at the same time the system stability, system responsiveness and the overall performance also play a big role in I just hope that Ubuntu devs take this as a positive criticism and try to improve upon the mentioned grey areas. SUSE simply shines in comparison. It feels like a desktop ready distro, while Ubuntu merely strives to be a desktop oriented distribution. I just wish that OpenSUSE improves their package management, then it can easily become the best desktop Linux distribution. James Tremblay Director of Technology Newmarket School District Novell CNE 3\4\5 CLE \ NCE in training. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: