28 May
28 May
Knurpht-openSUSE wrote:
Op zaterdag 28 mei 2022 16:24:09 CEST schreef Emily:
None of these options are easily accomplished by a new user. Konversation is also only installed by default when you install KDE with openSUSE... which is not the case for many, many users. openSUSE is also run by many folks using GNOME, XFCE and other desktop environments.
Accessing IRC via ssh on a remote server... and you call this 'easy to use'???
Fully agreed. And to add: Nobody in my circles still uses SMS texting on their phones, but rather Signal, Matrix, Telegram etc. ( which they can access on their other devices.
We're going even further off-topic - everyone in my circles uses SMS. -- Per Jessen, Zürich (20.1°C) Member, openSUSE Heroes