On Thursday 09 September 2010 03:49:09 Carlos E. R. wrote:
[Sent later]
On 2010-08-18 18:40, Per Jessen wrote:
Jos Poortvliet wrote:
On Wednesday 11 August 2010 19:00:45 Charles Wight wrote:
[snip] Is OpenSUSE suffering some kind of corporate "identity crisis"?
Good question, and imho, yes, to some extend it does.
I think we do to a great extent. At first we had SuSE Linux made in Germany (very clear, crisp, well-defined product identity), then SUSE Linux by Novell, then openSUSE (not very open), then openSUSE (open and apparently community driven), now openSUSE (open and partially/actually community driven).
What about people living in countries like, for instance, Cuba? They can't even report a bug because they can not log-into Bugzilla, requiring registering at Novell, which refuses because of the laws as USA, I guess...
I can understand why Novell has to do that, but do we (openSUSE) need to do that as well?
We are commenting on such a case just now, in the Spanish list. A Cuban wants to become an openSUSE ambassador, but can't. We have to admire the difficulties of all sorts he has for installing openSUSE (with our help, folks of the Spanish list). This denial of registration is one more.
Interesting issue. Yes, as long as the relationship between openSUSE and Novell is as it currently is, this is hard to solve. Another thing the foundation can help with!