So, this means we now have three volunteers, i.e. - Chuck Payne ( terrorpup ) - Edwin Zacharia ( medwinz ) - Gerry Makaro ( Fraser_Bell ) I suggest we keep the call open until the next Board Meeting, more hands will make the work easier, and would like to thank these three community members for standing up and do the election work. Op dinsdag 16 oktober 2018 23:04:31 CEST schreef Richard Brown:
# Board Meeting Minutes Oct 02 2018
# Apologies
Ana (Reason Given) Simon (Reason Given)
# Minutes
## Bugshare
Discussion of Bugshare. Board is concerned that the Bugshare team is receiving a disproportionate amount of requests unrelated to unblocking contributions. Board agreed on the principle that the bugshare team should prioritise requests which have a clear need identified by the contributor.
## Copyright
Board discussed a situation of a copyright request related to an established website/group.
Board decided to give them permission on the conditions that this group should abide by the following principles
- Guiding Principles - Forum rules - Logo use properly - Non profit operation
Confirmation with our legal team is pending.
## Elections/Call for Volunteers
The Organisation of the next Board Election is currently blocked pending volunteers for the election committee. Elections has only recieved 1 volunteer for the Election Committee, but need at least 2 and wish for more.
The meetings attendees are collectively disappointed in the community, and find it puzzeling that topics about Board transparency can produce email threads involving dozens of contributors, but there appears to be little or no interest in running the elections that will replace the current Board.
AI: The Board will be sending reminder announcements about the open call for volunteers for the Election Committee.
## openSUSE Foundation
Limited discussions due to Simon (who is taking the lead on this topic) being absent. From SUSE's point of view all of the draft ideas being bounced around so far carry no objections from thier side. The Board would like to see some draft ideas shared with the community before the next Election so the topic can be part of the Election campaigning.
-- Gertjan Lettink a.k.a. Knurpht openSUSE Board Member openSUSE Forums Team -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, email: