17 Oct
17 Oct
Am Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 2019, 11:47:10 CEST schrieb Gerald Pfeifer:
Maybe, maybe, maybe, tweaking the branding to avoid the lowercase O is something to consider? Is that thinkable? Not a proposal, merely a question. (Still not trivial, but a lot less effort and disruption than changing a name -- we have adjusted the SUSE logo some five years ago, for example, and that went relatively smoothly.)
What, giving up on the Sysiphus fight? ;-) The wide masses did not care for the lowercase O for years now. And they won't care it's successor. Plus: changing the O still leaves us with "OpenSuSe", "OpenSuse" and "Open Suse" - or even "Open S.u.S.e". So, it's just a small step and it won't have any measurable impact. Regards, vinz.