Dear community, The openSUSE team has presented and with you discussed some plans for a more sustainable development project➀. Proposals like working openQA in the openSUSE development workflow, implementing staging projects, making improvements to OBS - and implementing these things will cost a lot of time. Right now, the openSUSE team is or plans to be working on a wide range of things: the openSUSE Conference, the new merchandising program and of course we have the openSUSE release process on our plate. Especially the work on the release takes much time from our team, both in terms of ongoing effort (keep factory working, openQA testing) and of course around the release itself. To implement the proposals we made in a reasonable time frame, we think it makes most sense for us to focus on them. That means, the openSUSE team would work on OBS, openQA etc in a series of sprints over a period of 6-8 months. In that time, we spend little if any time on the release process. Of course, after these changes the team will be back on the job at full speed. What does this mean for the project? Either the release should be done by others or in another way, or openSUSE will essentially skip a release. The project can still get updates to its users - there is tumbleweed and OBS of course, and perhaps we can do a simpler/preview release. Many things are possible. Shoot. What do you think? - The openSUSE Team ➀ http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/2013-12/msg00349.html and https://lizards.opensuse.org/2013/12/11/discussing-about-the-future-of-opens...