On Monday 16 December 2013 12:16:59 Togan Muftuoglu wrote:
"Jos" == Jos Poortvliet <jospoortvliet@gmail.com> writes: Jos> Dear community, Jos> The openSUSE team has presented and with you discussed some plans for a more Jos> sustainable development project➀. Proposals like working openQA in the Jos> openSUSE development workflow, implementing staging projects, making Jos> improvements to OBS - and implementing these things will cost a lot of time.
Jos> Right now, the openSUSE team is or plans to be working on a wide Jos> range of things: the openSUSE Conference, the new merchandising Jos> program and of course we have the openSUSE release process on our Jos> plate. Especially the work on the release takes much time from our Jos> team, both in terms of ongoing effort (keep factory working, openQA Jos> testing) and of course around the release itself.
Jos> To implement the proposals we made in a reasonable time frame, we Jos> think it makes most sense for us to focus on them. That means, the Jos> openSUSE team would work on OBS, openQA etc in a series of sprints Jos> over a period of 6-8 months. In that time, we spend little if any Jos> time on the release process. Of course, after these changes the team Jos> will be back on the job at full speed.
Jos> What does this mean for the project? Either the release should be Jos> done by others or in another way, or openSUSE will essentially skip a Jos> release. The project can still get updates to its users - there is Jos> tumbleweed and OBS of course, and perhaps we can do a simpler/preview Jos> release. Many things are possible.
Jos> Shoot. What do you think?
How about providing an executive summary for each of the proposals sent by the team. I may have missed but I do not recall any fixed agreements that the community reached.
For links to the proposals, see the links I gave on the bottom. I'm not saying we have agreement, on either proposals or strategy. When it comes to decision making - that is of course not done. But many people seem to agree that something needs to be done in a variety of areas - so it is good to think about the consequences of that. We can't do this stuff 'on the side', at least - not if we want to benefit from it before the decade is over :D /J