Hi everyone, I won't be able to participate this and next week and in two weeks it is quite unlikely. Thursday in three weeks looks fine at the moment. Happy meeting! Simon On 28.09.21 14:47, ddemaio wrote:
Hi all, We had our Tuesday meeting today. Please find the notes below or at https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/weeklymeeting20210928. We will be moving the time of Tuesday meetings from 11:00 UTC to 13:30 UTC. It will be a 60 minute meeting and the shift should help with attendance.
The Thursday meeting we will discuss the purchasing of swag and a plan for developing a workgroup regarding an openSUSE Foundation. The Thursday meeting will be at 18:00 UTC on https://meet.opensuse.org/meeting. Access all the meeting notes at https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/weeklymeeting
v/r Doug
## Participants: ddemaio, ftake, knurpht
### topics
Tuesday Meeting * We plan to move the Tuesday meeting to 13:30 UTC and have it go for 60 minutes.
* Feedback was helpful to making a decision
software.o.o * Will have a workshop. Finding a date for the workshop https://doodle.com/poll/kxban48es58brz6n?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link * With software.o.o. proposal, there is a point about "Optimize filters for package searches." The Japanese community is using software.o.o. quite a bit and there are some difficulties finding package using the web UI fitler. A package search for openCV with the Leap 15.2 filter show results, but a filter with Leap 15.3 does not provide a result for openCV.
* https://github.com/openSUSE/software-o-o/pull/1065 discusses this, but the issue is not fixed
OPI: OBS Package Installer https://github.com/openSUSE/opi
Sent a ticket to heroes to see if tsp.o.o can be fixed.
Swag * Discussion on color of beanie & color of embroidered logo