On 2011-04-28 Per wrote:
Jos Poortvliet wrote:
On 2011-04-27 Per wrote:
Actually, I think you're likely to get equally boring answers to both of those questions. However, the open style of the latter is much better than the closed ditto of the former. I would just change the 2nd question to "what is the coolest thing you ever did?"
Ok, let me change this on the wiki and let's try and keep it to those questions then. I still do disagree that asking for 'your favorite color' and asking for 'coolest thing you did in openSUSE' are equally likely to get a boring answer but it's hard to prove that :D
Yeah - it's just my gut feeling that most opensuse members really didn't do much in the project that was particular cool. I know I didn't.
Tsss, sounds like something to change. Even if it just means going to the openSUSE conference, getting extremely drunk and dancing on stage in a speedo resulting in the police taking you away :D