Meeting minutes board call 2021-03-29 , 2100 CEST Attendees: Simon, Gertjan, Neal, Gerald, Syds, Axel Excused: Vinz Minutes: Axel Meeting closed: 2230 CEST ** Syds (New Treasurer) joins the board and we discuss his role ** **Multiple conflict resolution issues** **Timing of board calls** * With all regions switching to summer time current timing means 0430 for Simon * Proposal: 0700 NY, 1300 Europe and 2030 Australia * Check with Vinz * Plan B if Plan A does not work: Move next call to 2200 Nürnberg time [Note: We go for 1300 CEST] **Recent developments in FSF** * We would not like to sign any existing letter as oS Board * We would like to publish a note where we emphasize the CoC and guiding principles of the oS community * As a sponsor of FSF we would like to see the guiding principles reflected. We would not like to sponsor an organization that is not in line with CoC and common values. * AI Simon and Neal to draft proposal based on Geralds mail to the board. * For the time being, sponsorship is suspended [Note: Board statement was published to project@ in between]