On Mon, Sep 26, 2022 at 7:31 AM Syds Bearda <opensuse@syds.eu> wrote:
= Board Meeting Monday 2022-09-26 13:00 CEST =
* Present: Axel, Gertjan, Syds, Mau * Guests: * Excused: Gerald and Neal (travelling), Attila
== openSUSE Remix === * What needs to be done if openSUSE should be used as basis for a new Distro / Remix? * Current wiki entry outdated https://en.opensuse.org/Archive:Making_an_openSUSE_based_distribution - need to rewrite * Gecko Linux has some scripts on github, that might help: https://github.com/geckolinux/geckolinux-project * If the respin uses only OBS packages, no additional rebrading required
This is likely not true. If the respin uses only *openSUSE* packages (packages from the openSUSE: namespace), then that's probably the case. Other packages from OBS are just like any other repository and would not qualify for leveraging the openSUSE branding. We could probably make some carve-outs for linked devel projects, because they usually have Factory rules imposed on them too.
* Axel: If we see a respin, people should notice that the basis is openSUSE (see Distrowatchs anouncements of Distros...based on....) * Ask SUSE legal for advise / maybe Lubos knows as well - Axel to ask Gerald for advise whom to contact at SUSE
It might be worth it to look at how Fedora handles this for inspiration on how to structure our guidance: * https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Legal:Trademark_guidelines#Distributing_Fedor... * https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Remix Maybe worth reaching out to them to see if they've got some more concise guidance on this that we could crib off of? Those two links were all I could quickly find. -- Neal Gompa (ID: Pharaoh_Atem)