On Tuesday 31 May 2011 14:55:10 Cornelius Schumacher wrote:
On Monday 16 May 2011 18:42:01 Jos Poortvliet wrote:
On Monday 28 February 2011 11:55:02 Cornelius Schumacher wrote: <snip>
Ok. Thanks for implementing the input :D
We also recognize that the openSUSE Community needs some way to identify projects, products, and services that are compatible with openSUSE. Our concern is that users not be confused as to whether a compatible project, product, or service is official or not. To address that concern, we request that you indicate compatibility with openSUSE using one of the following tag-lines (or its equivalent):
**Again, we mention official but don't have anything 'official'. What IS official. Anything SUSE Linux Producs GmbH does? Anything the board does? Board mebers? SUSE Employees? openSUSE Members? only the openSUSE DVDs coolo produces? We do have to write that down somewhere, I'll work on something.
I think it's a theoretical discussion, what "official" means. It also only makes sense in relation to a defined situation. All the groups you mention have some way to do things officially, and it means different things. As long as this is not confused, and e.g. something is mispresented as coming officially from the SUSE company, when it's actually done by the community, we should be fine here, and that's what the trademark guidelines basically say.
Other than that we should follow the proven guideline of "those who do the work decide", and let actions speak. I don't see the need to make things more complicated here.
Well, you know my thoughts on that now - the "those who do the work decide" rule works fine for 40-year-old-white-German-males. It's a huge barrier for anyone who doesn't regularly go to meetings & talks to openSUSE people, learning 'how things work'. But as you also know, I think we can solve 95% of that problem by talking about it. Which I'll do :D