Am Sonntag, 7. Juli 2024, 22:08:04 MESZ schrieb
On Sunday, July 7, 2024 12:57:22 PM PDT Axel Braun wrote:
Hello Shawn,
Am Sonntag, 7. Juli 2024, 21:47:21 MESZ schrieb Shawn W Dunn:
Pursuant to Richard and Robert's talk at oSC 2024:
This is a topic that needs to be discussed as a community, especially as it's currently a request from SUSE.
Ah, that sheds a different light on it. So SUSE wants to force the project to change its name...its not something thats grown out of the community (or maybe only a bit)
I don't see where SUSE is trying to force anything. They've made no ultimatums, just made a request.
Of course not. Someone in power (and I think we agree that w/o SUSE the project would not last very long) will never put an ultimatum in first place, it is always just a request, until it changes. Call it experience. Happy to see that it is different this time. But be prepared it is not.