On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 08:11:16PM +0100, jdd wrote:
Le 10/02/2012 20:06, Christian Boltz a écrit :
In other words: Don't try this at home ;-)
somebody seems to have a clean way to do this, have to be documented after tests
There is no 'clean', 'simple', or 'easy' way of doing a shift from a 32 to a 64 bit install while the system is in operation. You can do it half way clean remotly by booting the 64bit install initrd and kernel. Then your 32bit root fs isn't found and you have to tell YaST to show all partitions and select the one in question. This is the very short version. You have to deal with your network configuration and have to be aware that the existing ssh keys aren't used (yes, the feature request to allow the usage of an existing ssh key got filed some time back; I consider this more and more less important as this might already be scriptable for enhanced users and we have AutoYaST). Not to talk about potential migration issues with data used and served by daemons. Oh well, there are many other ways to get a working 64bit libzypp stack. And all offer multiple pitfalls to get lost. We have 75834 open issues and a lot of missing documentation. Why not working on the more important and even more obvious stuff? Trying a move from 32 to 64 bit or from libc5 to libc6 while the system is live offers many learning opportunities. But these aren't things we should waste our valueable main project time for. And this is nothing we should lead our users via the wiki to! Risk³. Instead stay focussed and have a nice weekend. ;) Cheers, Lars -- Lars Müller [ˈlaː(r)z ˈmʏlɐ] Samba Team SUSE Linux, Maxfeldstraße 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany