Dne pondělí 8. července 2024 9:27:56, SELČ, Axel Braun napsal(a):
Am Sonntag, 7. Juli 2024, 22:08:04 MESZ schrieb sfalken@cloverleaf-linux.org:
On Sunday, July 7, 2024 12:57:22 PM PDT Axel Braun wrote:
Hello Shawn,
Am Sonntag, 7. Juli 2024, 21:47:21 MESZ schrieb Shawn W Dunn:
Pursuant to Richard and Robert's talk at oSC 2024:
This is a topic that needs to be discussed as a community, especially as it's currently a request from SUSE.
Ah, that sheds a different light on it. So SUSE wants to force the project to change its name...its not something thats grown out of the community (or maybe only a bit)
I don't see where SUSE is trying to force anything. They've made no ultimatums, just made a request.
Of course not. Someone in power (and I think we agree that w/o SUSE the project would not last very long) will never put an ultimatum in first place, it is always just a request, until it changes. Call it experience. Happy to see that it is different this time. But be prepared it is not.
Hey list, I would like to take freedom to express my rants and thoughts publicly. Please consider this as just food for thoughts. <rant> The more I am observing the situation between SUSE and openSUSE for last let's say 5 years, the more I would like to know the people behind some decisions. In my experiences, it was always some business guy with opinions like: "We are hosting and developing OBS for them, what else do they want?" (words "them" and "they" are important in that sentence, since I remember times, where SUSE was referring to openSUSE community as "us") I must say, I understand SUSE less and less, and it emotionally hurts me. I know there are some amazing guys who value community (Lubos among others), but to me, it just looks that SUSE wants to keep advantage of the community work, while not having to handle the hassle of protecting "our" trademarks and who knows what else. What will come next? Deprecate "factory first" policy? Be like RedHat? So, parents want us to move out of the house already i guess? If I would have any voting power, I would _deny_ the rebranding effort, just for the sole purpose of seeing what SUSE has become. For sure there must be some interesting conversations behind closed doors at SUSE. I wonder how much of this has changed or will change: https://www.suse.com/c/how-suse-builds-its-enterprise-linux-distribution-part-5/[1] </rant> Regards, Gfs -------- [1] https://www.suse.com/c/how-suse-builds-its-enterprise-linux-distribution-par...