Patrick, I take issue with your comments towards Emily for the reason that Emily and I have been put into compromising situations by members of the board where a standard was applied to one of us but not the other. Emily has been a contributor as a community member, packager, and helping with documentation. I’m not here to attack you, just only to provide some additional insight into why she might feel jaded as I know Emily very well and can empathize with her a bit regarding the project at the moment. I appreciate your passion for oS, as it is apparent you care about the project and its longevity. I agree with your statement that most of the world does not have an impression of someone without interaction. I was actually discussing this in the openSUSE BAR with other members of the community recently. My general statement to the project is that I try to take a positive from everyone I meet along the way. Even if I disagree I try to find the best qualities within that individual. Polarization of issues only divides us and halts progress of work being completed. I helped develop the CoC and I am also a mod for Discord, and Matrix. I appreciate the guidance and opinions that have been afforded to me by everyone on those teams and want to use this opportunity to thank them. My statement to the board is thank you for allowing me to attend meetings where I can and have. I appreciate your attempts at transparency. I use attempts because there is no perfect scenario where everything goes to plan all the time. I work in executive management in my full-time job (which is why I will never run for board) and I can appreciate the fact quandaries that leadership encounters along the way. My only critique is that this was a missed opportunity for leadership to make a statement one way or another and the board needs to clarify whether opinions of an individual reflect a board as a whole (and trust me, many boards I work with have the same struggle). My final thought on the matter… Sometimes we have to disagree to make compromise and move forward. Those are those learning and teaching moments that make us better people. I truly love this project and what they have given me over the past 25 years (I started with SuSE in 1999). I continue to believe in it and hope that we can all work together more to keep our project going. It’s been …interesting… watching this thread and seeing everyone’s passion about their respective stances. Thank you to everyone who I have met in this project and I looking forward to continuing to have a lot of fun with anyone I meet. Bill aka ctlinux Sent from Gmail Mobile On Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 10:55 AM Patrick Shanahan <paka@opensuse.org> wrote:
* Emily Gonyer <emilyyrose@gmail.com> [04-17-24 10:42]:
I have taken a huge step away from the project over the last couple of years, because as far as I can tell the CoC doesn't seem to matter to most of the project.
openSUSE, like the rest of the tech world would love to pretend and believe it is open and welcoming. But, it's not. It is, of course, if you're the right kind of person.
most of the WORLD has no idea of your character until you have interacted with them. perhaps you have failed to make a positive impression.
If you're not? Well then. The project will accept your contributions, if it must. It'll accept you as a member... After a LOT of questioning. But, no, it doesn't really want you around.
odd that. only question I was presented was how I contributed. perhaps I should take that a being intrusive and objectionable.
a glowing recommendation if I have ever heard one. wearing chips instead of epaulets? the chips do not help.
-- (paka)Patrick Shanahan Plainfield, Indiana, USA @ptilopteri http://en.opensuse.org openSUSE Community Member facebook/ptilopteri Photos: http://wahoo.no-ip.org/piwigo paka @ IRCnet oftc